Solly Crew - Commemorative
Tree & Plaque, East Kirkby

'Mike' Solly (Pilot), Jacky Jewell (M/U) and John Shaw (Navigator) were killed when EM-M LL973 was shot down on 21/22 June 1944.

Sgts Arthur Barton & Frank Haslam evaded; Sgts Eddie Chapman & Peter Loakes were made POW. 

28% of the attacking force were lost including 22 from the four No.55 Base squadrons.

This was 207 Squadron's worst night for aircrew killed and POW, five aircraft failing to return. 

The Solly crew and the Wesseling Raid are commemorated by a tree and a plaque which were dedicated at the Aviation Heritage Centre at East Kirkby on July 13th 1998.

It is one of many such trees there commemorating Bomber Command crews, a number of which are for members of 207 Squadron.

On Dedication, 13th July 1998

Left: after a long, hot Summer, 14th October 2003

The graves of Mike Solly, Jacky Jewell and John Shaw are visited by members in Belgium.

see also the Wesseling Raid pages

images source: Haslam
last updated 4 Jul 2005