Finding the Jisp Memorial

If you have Google Earth™ or a satnav the coordinates are 52°31' 03.95" N, 4°52' 49.84" E


The area is North Holland, near the town of Purmerend.

Enlarge the map until you can see the following detail
Satellite view might be helpful

From Purmerend follow the Neckerstraat until you reach the A7/E22.
Before the A7/E22 turn right towards the Noordhollandschkanaal, (North Holland Canal).
Turn left and follow Kanaaldijk (Canal Dike) road which runs right beside the canal..

On the Kanaaldijk side of the Noordhollandschkanaal, just below the word Zuiddijk, is a small square of ditches.
(on the map this is midway between the Jisperweg and the Middenweg marked on the opposite side of the canal)
Alongside the right hand side ditch of that square runs (unmarked on the map at this point) a path 'Jisperpad'.
At the junction of Kanaaldijk and 'Jisperpad' is a farm.
Going down 'Jisperpad' beyond that farm, just after the bottom right corner of the square of ditches, is the monument.

Wormer - en Jisperveld

This peatland area is located only 10 km north of the city of Amsterdam, and is part of the large polder region of the province of North Holland. The Wormer- en Jisperveld nature reserve has many ditches, open water and several wetland communities. Reed vegetation, mesotrophic fens, both with some brackish conditions and fen heath can be seen, surrounded by wet grasslands, only accessible by boat. The old Beemster polder was reclaimed from a shallow lake in the 17th century, and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1999.

This page last updated 10 May 2007: 30 Dec 13